- Patients screened for fever and other contagious symptoms prior to arrival and again upon arrival.
- Staff screened for fever and other contagious symptoms prior to start of each work day.
- Office air filtered and purified constantly to remove airborne particles and aerosols.
- Entire office thoroughly cleaned before the start of each work day.
- Commonly touched surfaces and items are treated with high level disinfectant throughout the day.
- All clinicians wear appropriate protective clinical attire including masks, gloves and face shields.
- Staff clinical attire is cleaned / disinfected on site.
- Clinical surfaces and equipment treated with high level disinfectant before each patient.
- All instruments are heat and pressure sterilized before each use.
- Sterilization equipment tested regularly to insure proper function.
- Dental treatment water is distilled, and treated for purity.
- Pre-procedural rinses given to all patients to minimize oral microbes.
- Unnecessary common items such as magazines and toys removed from waiting areas.
- Full compliance with OSHA and CDC guidelines for patient and clinician safety.
- Face Covering required in common areas.
*At McAdams Dental, because the safety of our patients and staff is so important to us, our practices are ever evolving to keep up with current conditions.