You’re doing everything your dentist tells you to do, brushing twice daily even on a prescription tooth paste and you’ve done great with flossing daily. But you still got a cavity at your check up, what happened? Well, its complicated and there are many factors, but to keep it concise, its an issue with pH balance or how acidic your mouth is and how much bacteria you have in your mouth. We all know sugar is bad for your teeth, there’s no need to hammer that home but, sugar can be in foods you didn’t even realize and its important to consider the acidity of the drinks you ingest. |
Many of the drinks we enjoy are unfortunately acidic. Coffee, Kombucha, Sugar Free Diet Sodas, even simple Carbonated Water have very low pH levels meaning they are HIGHLY acidic. Sipping on these drinks for long periods of time throughout the day creates a consistent acid bath which bacteria thrive in which eventually cause tooth decay. Also, if you’re drinking sugary and acidic beverages like Energy Drinks, Sodas, Orange Juice, and Sweet Tea throughout the day, you’re not only exposing your teeth to a constant acid bath but also a constant sugar bath, the worst combination.
Bacteria, like us, love carbs, which are sugars.
We know of course that candy is not healthy for your teeth, but your carbs don't necessarily need to be sweet to cause tooth decay. Snacking, especially on chips and bread can easily stick to teeth and cause increased plaque formation which is a bacteria party.
So its important to keep that in mind when you’re sitting in your office or at home in the afternoon thinking about sipping on your fifth cup of coffee or your third helping of Chex mix, to think about which type of “bath” your teeth are taking and what kind of “party” the bacteria are having.
But remember, life is about balance, so treat yourself everyone once in awhile...
...and brush twice daily.
...and floss.
Are you looking for a dentist that would rather help you avoid cavities than fix all of your teeth? If you are in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area and are looking for a dental home for your whole family...maybe we are the office for you...we would love to meet you!
Click here to contact Dr. McAdams
Helpful links on the acidity of beverages and food tips from the American Dental Association: